016 4733347
04 4900102


 RPH COVER sizes available

24cm x 35cm (BESAR)
24cm x 31.5cm (KECIL)

13cm x 20.5cm

36cm (LARGE)
30cm (SMALL)

# WARNA kain jeans mungkin berubah mengikut simpanan stok....
# GAMBAR2 yg di upload dlm blog tidak dapat menggambarkan warna yang sama seperti yang asli kerana mutu gambar tidak begitu baik. 
# KAIN yg digunakan TELAH DIBASUH terlebih dahulu sebelum dijahit



Ahad, 06 April 2014

No safety know pain, know safety no pain

Assalamualaikum semua,

Banyak perkara yang nak dikongsi sama pembaca sebenarnya. Salah satunya adalah tentang keselamatan ketika menunggang motosikal atau memandu kereta...

Sejak anak sulung saya jatuh motosikal pada pagi Jumaat 14 Feb 2014, serabut jugak kepala otak ni. Nasib baik jugak dia berpakaian baju sweater lengan panjang yang tebal, berkasut sekolah dgn berstokin, berseluar trek-suit dan memakai topi keledar bervisor yang berkualiti tinggi (hadiah dari babanya). Yang kurangnya adalah sarung tangan..sebab tulah dia kena 6 jahitan di jari pinky kanan akibat dari kemalangan tu...

Sejak tu saya jadi sangat2 risau setiap kali anak saya keluar bawa motor dia. Tak senang duduk memikirkan keselamatannya. Tentu ibu2 yang berada di situasi yang sama akan jadi mcm saya. Serba salah dibuatnya. Lesen P baru je dapat masa tu. Tak benarkan dia bawa motor tu pun tak boleh. Lepas seminggu recoup di rumah (motor baru pun masuk workshop) last2 saya terpaksa izinkan tapi dengan syarat...berpakaian lengkap seperti selalu dan always `extra alert` bila menunggang motorsikal. Sekurang2nya lega sikitlah hati ni bila tahu yang dia selalu beringat keselamatan diri ketika bawa motor tu.

Memang orang kata `Malang tak berbau` ....tapi tak salah be well prepared all the time....Doa naik kenderaan pun penting (even berjalan kaki)...jangan lupa..!! Insyaallah selamat pergi selamat pulang..!!


Khamis, 13 Februari 2014


Just posted those photos in a new column post ( CUSTOM MADE PROJECTS)...please do check-it out!!!

Sabtu, 01 Februari 2014

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2014...!!!! 
HAPPY NEW PRICE-HIKES...2014.... !!!???

Salam, ye betuulll..!!! Lepas semua orang di seluruh dunia sambut NEW YEAR 2014, sekarang giliran masyarakat Cina di seluruh Malaysia menyambutnya CHINESE NEW YEAR semalam, 31 Jan 2014. Di sebabkan masyarakat Malaysia terdiri dari pelbagai kaum termasuklah kaum Cina maka tak hairanlah kaum lain pun turut terasa kehadiran Tahun Baru menurut kalender orang2 Cina...Tahun Kuda Kayu atau Wooden Horse. 

Suka saya nak kongsi pengalaman malam 31 Jan di taman saya tinggal. Tepat jam 12 malam seperti yang telah dijangka bunyi mercun mula kedengaran. (Seronok tunggu saat depa pasang mercun). However, i was a bit surprised it lasted for only about 12 minutes. (tahun lepas lagi lama). 

Terpikir jugak saya, mungkin mereka2 yg menyambutnya agak berjimat cermat dlm pembakaran mercun tahun ini...(with the cost of some products in the market allegedly (i use this word sebab ada yg tak percaya) seems to have no boundries...betul ke tak??? tepuk dada tanyalah selera!! Personally... i feel the heat of the price hikes (even though some people may not seem to mind this changes, but i do...) on few essential items used at home AND in my sewing projects!!!..) 

Lepaih ni ada pulak satu lagi nak mai...WELCOMING GST APRIL 2015 !!!??? - Konsep GST dikenakan setiap peringkat iaitu dari pengilang, pemborong, peniaga dan  pengguna..mungkin jugak ada yg paham atau ada yg masih blurrr...dan memandangkan  this inevitable/imminent/unavoidable programme will be set upon us in Malaysia next year, saya suggest kita semua educate ourselves on this new usual, we can either agree on it or not to agree on it....

Berbalik pada peristiwa CNY, yang saya perasan lagi satu perkara ialah pada hari sebelumnya cuaca di tmpt saya dari jam 10pg hingga ke CNY eve agak berbahang berbanding dengan cuaca yg kami di sini alami sejak 2 minggu kebelakangan ini.....mmmm....saja nak berkongsi je...!!

Well tu je lah update dlm News From Admins ...tq for viewing ...!!! ^_^

Time to continue with my hubby took the children all p jamming di studio Inspirasi Maya...kesian x leh nak ikut..huhuhu!!! 


Isnin, 27 Januari 2014


Salam semua, malam ni sikit je cerita yg saya nak kongsi dengan semua pembaca. 

Sebelum saya mula menjahit sulaman mesin, saya ada tengok hasil kerjatangan maktok  saya jahit sulam tangan guna benang yg dipakai utk jahitan crosstich, awal2 dulu benang brand cosmo, kurang kilatnya...lepas tu keluar brand DMC pulak...berkilat dan lebih cantik...saya memang suka tengok semua jahitan sulaman yang berkilat2....sekarang bila bertanya pd penjual rupa2nya hanya satu jenis shj benang jahit sulaman mesin yg ada dijual di kedai2 brg jahitan di tempat saya....satu brand shj yg dijual pun ..brand Senorita....iaitu jenis rayon yg berkilat2 sgt....alhamdulillah!!!  leganya...!!!

Tapi bila tengok dlm internet ada jugak benang sulam brand lain dan bukan jenis rayon....tak ingat plak namanya tapi di Malaysia ni susah nak cari benang2 tu semua...tak palah asalkan yg ada di pasaran sini memang yang terbaiklah... promise..short article, right???? here goes...pls read the info i cilok dari internet...

Rayon Thread
Rayon Thread is currently the most popular thread used in embroidery machines. It performs consistently well in high-speed embroidery machines with very little breaking or fraying. Rayon is a high sheen thread, and often used as a lower cost alternative to silk thread.

Most Rayon threads are available in 40wt, though 30wt can be found without effort. A wide range of colors and shades are available, including variegated colors.

Though some brands CAN BE, rayon thread is NOT generally COLORFAST. It is best to AVOID USING BLEACHING AGENTS, including those made for colors.

Stitches sewn with Rayon thread create a very smooth consistent stitch, leading to a higher quality embroidery project.

Rayon thread does deteriorate over time, so attention should be paid to how it is stored. In low humidity regions, rayon threads can be stored in the refrigerator to extend thread life for a long as possible. (Ni nasihat utk saya je nih...)

Yg di highlightkan tu bukan apa...saja nak stresskan jugak cara nak menjaga kualiti benang sulaman yg dijahit  pada beg yg telah dibeli...

1. Bila nak basuh beg ...basuhlah dengan tangan....rendam sekejap je...5 min pun dah cukup...dgn sabun yg tak dak unsur2 bleach LANGSUNG!!!...maknanya yg heavy duty detergent jgnlah pakai takut ada bleaching agent tu...or else nanti  cepat pudar warna benang...dan saya tak galakkan cuci guna mesin basuh even if you turn those bag inside out or even put it in the netting pouch....pls, pls, pls don't.!!.

2. Bila jemur kenalah kalih (loghat org utara nih..) luar dalam that the embroidery side will be underneath..the inside of the bag bolehlah expose ke cahaya matahari...since material saya guna utk beg2 semua adalh dari kain jeans or denim or joe flizo kata kain mambang...i like to advice jemur semasa matahari panas terik or else the beg will have a funny smell pulak nanti...ok! so elakkan membasuhnya masa musim hujan...

BTW..semua kain jeans yg saya guna tu saya basuh sebelum mula jahit sebab ada kain jeans yg warna dye yg terlalu byk sampai kalau tak basuh terlebih dahulu.... tapak tangan saya BERTUKAR!!!  jadi kaler beruuu.....!!!

OK hope im still keeping my promise...short jer...(yelah tu kan ????)


Ahad, 26 Januari 2014


There are 30 chosen designs for viewers to choose from  (dlm "EXTRA MIX DESIGN - Feb '14") can be sewn on pencil cases, pockets, bags, table runners, cushion covers, kitchen towels or even bathroom towels...i personally have made a few myself and for others since November 2013 but was not prepared to upload the designs due to time constrain. Therefore,  I would like to take this opportunity to do it now..........(not that i have such luxury even now  ...having the spare time i mean...)

I also like to highlight on the matter of colour used in the could vary a little (or a lot...depends lah!...) because i might not be able to find the exact colour shown in the pictures...i had to make do with similarity and the closest resemblance of if the outcome is a bit off..please excuse the difference,,ok! tu la saya teringat lawak zizan bertajuk.."Nampak sama.... , tapi bukan dia.."  Hilarious!!!   

Tapi saya tak bermaksud design tu (contohnya) dari gambar dolphin terus bertukar jadi ikan duyung....(trying to be funny myself..hehehe!)   only the colour of that dolphin will be a little bit different...well you know what i mean kan? kan?  kan?? !!!!

Oleh itu, di sini saya seikhlas2nya ingin mohon maaf awal2 jika warnanya agak berlainan, terima kasih kerana memahami situasi ini.)

Ok.. do enjoy the viewing..!   "EXTRA MIX DESIGN - Feb '14"

P/S : silap letak nama hari posting semalam...tu la buat tgh2 mlm buta...hehehe..sori ye pada yg confused.. dan pada yg menegur...terima kasih!!!


Sabtu, 25 Januari 2014


Salam semua....tengah malam semalam, setelah sekian lama menjauhkan diri dari laptop cik abang tersayang (my own dah given up on life..)...terpanggil jugak nak update blog ni. Sejak guna applikasi whatsapp, saya lebih cepat hantar gambar designs atau beg yang dah siap pd yg bertanya. Mudah sangat....ambil gmbr then lak tu..tapi bila ada design baru..mulalah mengeluh. Mcmana nak forward gmbr..sebenarnya, boleh jugak download/copy gmbr tu dari internet dan send out. Tapi ada jugak gmbr yg tak leh copy dari internet apabila guna phone android saya...maklumlah gadget yg digunakan tu taklah begitu canggihhh....! (opps!! sori sayang, i tau u yg belikan..hehehe..)

Anyway...sejak dua menjak ni, kesihatan tak berapa baik. Ini semua bermula dari cuti sekolah 15 Nov'13 yg lalu...2 hari sihat....3 hari kurenng skiiitt sihatnya...3 hari sihat ....4 hari rasa macam nak tido jer...begitulah keadaan saya ketika itu...(tempiasnya ada ler lagi sket2 skarang)..ada jugak orang yg prihatin atas kekurangan tenaga yg sy hadapi ni tanya..."tak cukup tido ke?" "makan tak menentu kot?" "rehat tak cukup niiii..." "ni mesti stress ni...jgn stress sgt...take it easy laa..." 

Nahhh....jawapan bagi kesemua soalan tu ....memang betul tak cukup tido (sebab dok menjahit tgh2 mlm smpai awal pagi pasal waktu siang penuh dgn aktiviti bersama anak2 yg bercuti)....tak g jln mana2 pun....tapi time spent mostly in our kitchen.....cook breakfast, brunch, lunch, tea, dinner and supper.....pls. don't get me wrong..i love cooking for my family tapi kalau dah terlalu kerap pun tak elokkan??...huhhh! Soalan pasal makan...sudah tentu makan tak menentu...tak tentu hala dibuatnya....!!! rehat...rehat tu apa???? 

Dalam masa yg sama, banyak order saya dapat sepanjang bulan cuti sekolah tu..alhamdulillah !! group orders, individual orders, package orders...personalize orders...fuhh you name it,,,great business,,, yeahh baby...! Ditambahkan lagi keseronokan yg teramat sangat kerana dpt berkarya pulak dengan men"cipta" pencil bag atas permintaan seorang guru yang amat2 sporting.(tmksh cg.yati, your idea on that "new creation" amat dihargai).

Apa yg sepatutnya saya buat pada awal cuti lagi ialah prepare to handle cuti sekolah dengan lebih baik...i made a mistake of forgetting to realize then, that the children will be  home 24/7 and they will monopolize my entire waking  time.( I love to spoil them) Tak pasal2 kena teman burung hantu berjaga malam2....and i also learned  .. adalah lebih baik mengalami keadaan sgt seronok dlm dosage /kuantiti yg kecil...." 

sebabbbb... kalau tak tercapai dateline yg sendiri buat utk customers teramatlah tak seronoknyeee...jadi lain kali kena beringatlah untuk berhati2 bila menghadapi situasi begini lagi. "Too much of a good thing may do you harm"...betul ke??? 

Sekian...tmksh.. ^_^


Today is Monday, 14 October 2013. Since my last entry, so many orders been completed. 
Next week, I'll be updating my stocks. It is time to replenish the fabrics, threads, buttons, interfacing and a few other essential items used for making the bags....let us all pray that the cost will not increase due to recent petrol-price-hikes.... 

Today, Thursday, 3rd October 2013, finally my blog has a new face. This is made possible by my very own hubby. Thank you dear...Now that my blog has been treated with a face lift, hopefully I will spend more time updating the news on new embroidery designs or different types of handicrafts I have made for myself and friends.

Thank you all for supporting my handicrafts and looking forward to hear from all you viewers....


Custom made tote bags, pencil case, pencil bags, hobo bags, book covers are among my favourite projects...i have made table runners, sewing machine covers, coasters as well . All of which from denim materials...

Before today, I was reluctant to post the pictures because i was not ready to share  those unprofesional photos with others.... But a good friend has convinced me that it does not matter annnddd... it would be easier to show pictures rather than explaining the details to any individual whose interested to make similar order. I just hope after this I will be able to complete a consignment on schedule..with all the orders pouring in (alhamdulillah)...i seem to take longer time to complete an order...soooo sorry..!!!!. For those who do not know..I do all the cutting & sewing myself and if i could I would like to have more hours in a day to able myself to complete every single order earlier than planned......

So much for wishful-thinking ... the extra hours in a day i mean... so enough babbling  ... here we are....sharing tiiimmmmeeeee..!!!!!!

These pictures were taken whenever I remember to do so....There were not many that can be called good pictures but I have to be content with what I can retrieve from my phone...others are so bad (lighting was sooo off..ehemm...that is my excuse!!!) but it is true... I had to squint my eyes to really see them clearly...

I do have other projects....I will load those pictures when I am able to find them in my digital camera..happy viewing...

**there should be more pictures but i can only post some of them 'coz i can't find most of them from my laptop & pendrive.....other pictures mostly are the rph covers.... i guess i make lots of rph cover compare to other projects....i would love to spend more time on other projects as much as the usual orders though...






inside  view



(front & back)
*missing the inside lining photos....typical me!!



front / outside

back view

side view


inside pocket 4"x 5"


(Back view only.........i seem to have lost the front view...!!)
